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National and International Criminal Records Check
- 06/07/2021
- Posted by: adminbb
- Category: International Background Checks
Employment Up as Businesses Forge Ahead in Covid-19 Aftermath
- 30/11/2020
- Posted by: adminbb
- Category: Recruiting
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How & Why You Should Vet Your Staff Before Hiring
Why you should vet your staff before hiring? The cost of properly vetting or screening job applicants before you employ your dream candidate is miniscule compared to the losses you and your company could suffer from hiring the wrong person. In this article we’ll outline the best practices you can use in the vetting process
Is Your HR Department Protecting You from Litigation?
Your company could be liable if your HR Department isn’t complying with data protection laws. Leaking personal or private information about employees or even job applicants could spell disaster. In case your HR team isn’t taking appropriate measures to protect sensitive data. The law requires companies to keep and protect any personal information about their